Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Beach/Take 2

Telling the kids they could only get their feet wet on their first visit to the ocean was like taking them to Baskin-Robbins and saying they could only get vanilla. Reluctantly I conceded to letting them dive in, properly dressed this time around.

Sammy, in his "surfer dude" pose

My darling niece Sophia joined in the fun. Isn't she adorable!


Once the sun had begun to set and everyone was shivering from mild cases of frostbite, we packed up our picnics and headed out. All 23 of us gathered at the home of Jody's cousin as we hurriedly rotated kids in and out of showers while Moni, Marisa and I cooked up a Mexican feast.

Kids were jumping off furniture, Matthew found the his way to the piano while others begged to know how much longer 'til dinner. Comfy chaos was at it's peak, and all was well with the world.

Found this picture on Katherine's camera. I didn't know she'd even made this. Summed up the day perfectly.


Anonymous said...

Great pictures Claudia!

Daisie said...

I LOVE Katherine's heart picture!!

The Stanley's said...

I love the heart picture too. And it was fun to catch up on your posts. CA looked fun and I loved the flowers! Congrats on the play!