Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

As I think back over past Thanksgivings, memories go back to reunions at 323 Exchange Street in Houston where we would gather with the Gonzales side of the family and eat a combination of traditional American food along side Mom's famous Mexican cuisine. We hung out with our cousins, played games and ate to our hearts content.

We now find ourselves so far from the little barrio in Houston but continue many of the same traditions. As I'm sure all of my sisters can testify, we not only miss our mothers cooking but miss her company as well. Seventeen cousins played happily together in Moni's cozy house as we played games and ate 'til we dropped. Wonder what it will be like 20 years from now?


katherine said...

A great Thanksgiving!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love it when everyone comes over. Thanks so much for changing your plans and joining us. It would not have been the same without all of the Nielsons! And your rolls, rice salad, cookies and pumpkin pie were the BOMB!!

Love you!

Ada's Girl said...

Looks like a wonderful day.

Melissa said...

Looks like lots of fun...
Just missing Christina and your parents.

Despite the ups and downs..we all have so much to be thankful for.

Carrie said...

How fun for a change on Thanksgiving! Sarah scares me too in the picture, if you know what I mean. I love to see what everyone is doing. Your sisters are beautiful, just like you.

Crystal said...

Great Thanksgivng!I am so thankful that I was blessed with this great family (I mean you guys and everyone else)I love you guys so much, really I don't say it enough! My favortie part besides the food of course is that all the kids are always so excited and happy to see eachother! Thanks Moni for hosting and for never caring that the kids run around like chicks with thier heads cut off:) Fun time and great memories that's the best gift to give ourselves and our children Love us!

P.s. I think you need to send Antonio ten dozen boxes of your rolls for Christmas! :)