Monday, November 17, 2008

Care Center

I have been feeling down lately about all of the negative protests towards our church. Anti- Mormon preaching and talk of hate leave me feeling like we are truly living in the last days. I worry about my children and what the future holds for them as we define who we are and what we stand for. As I had an opportunity this past week to serve in a tiny way, I felt buoyed up and strengthened by the examples of those around me.

Every couple of months our ward is asked to provide church services to our local Care Center. Last Wednesday Sammy and I went over before preschool with some dear sisters and their little ones and held Relief Society. There were about 6 sisters in attendance from the center along with a Presidency that has been called to minister to them. Three of the 6 sisters were sound asleep. One was in some sort of daze and the other 2 sat on the front row alert and responsive. One of them was particularly happy the children had come to sing to her. As I conducted the meeting, Sammy jumped around from chair to chair and circled around my legs. The little old lady on the front row kept telling him, "It's okay. Mama is right there." My friend Kristin's daughter, who wouldn't leave her mothers side, kept asking if they were dead. After the talks, the children stood up in front and sang, I am a Child of God. As I knelt down by Samuel's side to help him with the words, the spirit bore witness to my heart that every single person present, young and old, was indeed a literal child of a Heavenly Father who knows us and loves us individually.

Yesterday my two oldest girls had a chance to participate at the center with the Young Men/ Young Women. Analisa played the piano as Sarah conducted the hymns. Talks were given and testimonies shared as the spirit once again filled the little room. These sweet, yet strong teenagers went around and visited with the dear people . We were all enriched in the process. Sarah asked if she could work there on Saturdays ;)

I still feel discouraged once in a while, but as I look at the faces pictured below, I am hopeful. The Lord is mindful of us and as we serve him and draw near he blesses us with his Spirit.


Carrie said...

What a wonderful experience. Serving others always provides the spirit in our lives and keeps us going. That is wonderful that the youth could be a part of that. Randy's mom is in a rehabilitation center right now. They will be singing to all the people there on Wednesday. It should be a neat experience.

Ada's Girl said...

There is a wonderful spirit in a care center. I am happy that you and your teens have experienced that. Can't wait until you present your family to our loved ones in December. Katherine said she wanted to serve with us in ours on Monday after dance. What's the chances if we pick her up and take her home?

Kristin said...

I couldn't agree more. It really is a sweet experience to go there. I'm glad your girls had that chance. It is one of my great memories I have from my young women years.

Crystal said...

I loved going tocare centers with the YW! I remember going there and singing to the veijitos and they all loved my hair even the men! LOL! When Noah went he said the old Grandpa said he was a handsome fellow! Yeah he loved that!Sweet spirits indeed:)