Thursday, February 19, 2009

Feliz Cumpleaños Papi

(There are 5 missing grandchildren from this photo. An updated one will replace this one by the end of March.)

TOP 10 Things I've learned from my Dad:

1. Oatmeal for breakfast (cooked or raw) is a very good thing.

2. Fix it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without.

3. Birthdays are a big deal. On each and every one of our birthdays (this includes daughters, sons-in-law, grandchildren) he calls and serenades us with "Las Mañanitas" followed by Happy Birthday. He makes you feel like you are the most special person on the planet.

4. There is something good to be found in every situation.

5. If there's a will, there's a way. As long as it's God's will. Si Dios quiere.

6. Todo tiene su tiempo. There's a time for everything.

7. Every moment can be turned into a teaching moment.

8. It's never to late to change.

9. Modern technology (internet, online banking, e-mail, Skpe) is so cool! Boom!

10. When you are in the service of your fellow beings, you are only in the service of your God. Whether it be taking his monthly drive from his home in Mexico down to Houston to visit and tend to his widow friends, Nora and Angelina or getting to know the person standing next to him at the checkout stand- Dad is a friend to ALL. This is this secret to his happiness.

Gracias Papi, por ser tan buen ejemplo en nuestras vidas. Wish we were with you to celebrate your birthday. ¡Feliz Cumpleaños!

Con mucho amor,



Blue said...

i'm sure he knows what a lucky man he is. having you as his kid...doesn't get better than that!!!
today i'll celebrate the man who gave you to this world. thanks!

Melissa said...

Your dad was always the kindest man...I don't think I ever heard him be ulgy to anyone---even when all the family was invading you guys' house. His heavy accent made me listen to him speak closely so I'd make sure I heard and understood him.

Happy Birthday to your dad!