Saturday, January 24, 2009

Where, oh where has the clean air gone?

We are so fortunate to live in a gorgeous place that produces sunsets like this:

The above photo was taken by a guy named Jim Dockery just a few minutes from my house. My kitchen window faces west so on most given nights I'm hollering to anyone who will listen, "Come see, come see the sunset!" We usually run outside to get a real good look, soak it in and throw up a prayer of gratitude for the beauties before us.

For most of January, February and March we deal with this:

Looking out my kitchen window is downright depressing. My elementary and preschool kids are forced to stay in from recess and we are encouraged to limit our driving and wood burning. As much as I dislike driving up my steep driveway after a fresh snowstorm, I say PLEASE -BRING ON THE SNOW!! Anything, to clean out this stale, yucky smog and give me back my view.


Brett Nielson said...

I know that's right!

Kristin said...

Hi there...thanks for hanging out with me by the cozy fire and having some good Red Mango last night! Loved it and love being with you! Hope you have fun at the opera with Sarah and so sorry about the good things minute...I think Michele overheard me talking to Brett about his part in the movie. I'll talk quieter next time!! Love ya

Carrie said...

Those are pretty cool pictures, though. I hope it lets up soon. I hear everyone is coughing and hacking!