Friday, January 9, 2009

Celebrate Good Times! Come On!

Last month Matthew attended his cousin Melia's birthday party at Classic Skate. There was no question in his mind where he wanted to celebrate his B-day after that. He had it planned out to the exact party room (Sponge-Bob room) and the exact song he would get to chose during "blackout". Down with the Sickness was his first choice (thanks Sarah!) and his 2nd choice, which we settled on, was Beat It by Michael Jackson. He had a blast. He skated and played video games to his hearts content. As always, my only regret is that I didn't take more pictures, better pictures. There's always next year.


katherine said...

Can I have my par-ty their next?!?!

Carrie said...

Katherine looks so big in that picture. She is looking like a young woman. I guess she should, she will be one soon. Right? I am glad adorable Matthew loved his birthday. His little cousins are so adorable. Happy Birthday to Sarah today!