Thursday, November 5, 2009



My kids often ask me when I'm going to have another baby (as if 6 isn't enough). My response usually points out that I could be a Grandma in 5+ years (heaven forbid). Sammy, who loves babies more than any child I know, falls to pieces when I tell him that the only way he can have babies of his own is to grow up and get married.

"But girls are gross! Why would I ever want to kiss one anyway," he says.

"You will", I reply. "You will."

So yesterday, as we were driving around running errands he pipes up out of the blue and says, "Mom, will you marry me?"

"Why Samuel, I would love too. But I'm already married to Dad," I replied.

"Aw, come on. Please!"

I just chuckled. I'd never been proposed to from a guy in a booster.


Kristin said...

So cute! I miss little Sammy and your whole family. I need to call you.

Daisie said...

He knows a good woman when he sees one!! What a cutie!!

Blue said...

i can't believe there's any class of male that hasn't proposed to you by now. this may have been the last one...except those males who have yet to sprot baby teeth. and by the way, did you photoshop the 21 year old version of yourself into this photo with Sammy? Cause you dont' look a day over. (all this talk of gramma'ing aside...) ♥

Carrie said...

I love that picture of the two of you. Sammy is a "mommy's boy." Isn't that so sweet!

Ada's Girl said...

What little boy wouldn't want to marry his wonderful Mom. He'll find someone someday just like you.
(If that is possible!)