Thursday, November 12, 2009

Lofty Goals

Every year starting late spring Analisa and Matthew are encouraged to work on a piano concerto. They start off all gun ho and then come June, their crisp music books take a back seat to swimming, tennis, hanging out with friends and all the fun things summer has to offer. They set goals with their piano teacher, Bridget, and chip away at getting them learned one little section at a time. By late October the pieces are expected to be memorized, polished and performed just in time for Federation the first weekend of November.

Matthew thrives on things like this. Give him a mountain to climb and he's all over it. Easy peasy. Analisa on the other hand had to work her guts out to fit it all in to her busy schedule. The recital was shaky for Lisey. It was a good wake up call to show her where she had to beef it up.

As Analisa explained to me as we were waiting for her turn to go in and perform for the judges, "You have no idea how hard this is unless you've ever had to do this yourself."

"And you're right," I said to her,"but you've worked so hard, and I know you can do this. I will be there praying along side you. Go get'em girl."

And so she did.

She and Matthew skip to my lou'd all the way to the car waving their little gold superiors in the air, elated from a job well done.

(Since her original concerto is well over 6 minutes long, I just took a little from the beginning and end and showed a condensed version)


Ada's Girl said...

The musicality of those two is amazing. Of course they would get the top honors! Their hard work has not gone unappreciated. Congratulations Lisey and Matthew. As they say "You rock!"

Blue said...

Gator and I just listened to them both, and after Matthew's piece he said "He's the next Beethoven" :-)

We admire and adore your kids. All of them. ♥

Annesha&Andrew said...

Congrats to them both! The lofty goal has become a lofty accomplishment!

Carrie said...

Spencer, Christiana, and I loved so much listening to this. They are amazing! You should be such a proud mom!

ashli said...

amazing! i love that your kids can do this! what talent. you should be one proud mama and i am just glad that my boys are getting a little piece of annalisa's talent!