Tuesday, September 1, 2009

DH published

To anyone who subscribes to the church magazine The Friend, my DH (dear husband) finally got his story published. It is on page 30 of the September issue. If you don't get the magazine you can click here: The Friend and then click on Campfire Stories and Testimonies located just above the picture of the boy holding the title of liberty to read it. It is also in the Liahona which is published in countless languages all over the world.

You can read the original story here. Trying to condense this experience to under 125 words and have it appeal to children of all ages and backgrounds was no easy task. It went through countless revisions and just before he was about to bag the whole thing I encouraged him to give it one more try and there you have it. An amazing story of a boy who wasn't afraid to share his burning testimony with a friend. We absolutely loved the scripture, the quote by Elder Ballard and of course, the art work. I still get choked up reading it.


TR said...

Claudia- It's Tracy. I found your blog on Kristen's. I'm So excited to read your husband's story! I'm going to find my Friend right away. Love seeing the pics of you and your beautiful family.

Carrie said...

I read it to my family without telling them it was Uncle Brett's story till the very end. It was a really neat experience. I loved the layout and the picture. It was beautiful.

Ada's Girl said...

Wonderful experience. Wonderful story. Life changing for all of us.
Congratulations Sonny boy; the ever valiant crusader for righteousness.