Wednesday, June 10, 2009


The last few days have been a whirlwind collecting aprons, bonnets, mess kits and thermals preparing these two girls for Pioneer Trek. They left to Wyoming this morning. The forecast is predicting rain and severe thunderstorms for the entire 4 day duration. The lows at night are expected to be in the 20's. The mother in me wishes so badly I was there tagging along to make sure they are dry and warm enough. Nothing like extreme weather conditions to re-enact true pioneer conditions.

The girls were asked to chose a family pioneer to study and ponder for this particular experience. They both chose Grandma Mary. A glimpse of her story can be found here. They are wearing leather bracelets with her name engraved on them to remember her and her sacrifices for the gospel. I know she will be near them, cheering them on as they cross those wet, muddy plains. 


Kristin said...

They will be watched over! My trek experience was incredible when I went as a youth and I know your girls will be forever changed through the experiences they will have the next few days. Can't wait to hear about all of it when they get home!

Ada's Girl said...

What an honor for Grandma Mary. I'm sure that this will be a memorable experience for them. Nothing like a little hardship to help one appreciate the little things in life. I'm sure that they will be tired and worn but uplifted in the end. We look forward to the full report when they return.
They are the cutest pioneers ever!!!

Carrie said...

I have such a greater appreciation for what the pioneers went through now that I have experienced the trek. It was still only a very tiny glimpse of what they really went through. That was such a touching video.