Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Pictures from Trek

We finally developed the pictures the girls took with their disposable cameras. It's so fun to hear them re-cap stories from their amazing trek experience. 

As I mentioned earlier, we experienced torrents of rain during the time they were gone. (We still are!) I checked weatherchannel.com often to see if they were experiencing the same downpour. The internet verified that indeed the same storms were following them just an hour and a half away in Wyoming. As you can see in the pictures this company experienced quite the opposite. The leaders explained that just as threatening clouds loomed over them, the dark clouds would split and head down opposing canyons. The girls said it rained during the time they had to bury their babies on the trail and just minutes after the closing prayer was said after testimony meeting. Surely, they were watched over and protected during this time.

Sweet Analisa and friend taking a break on their handcart.

Sarah spotted this skull on the trail and pointed it out to Pa. He cleaned it up and wired it to their family flag. It became their family mascot.

Sarah's family

Sarah and her wonderful Ma, Sister Pope.

Ma took this picture of her girls after a lunch break. They were completely knocked out. Even their poor little baby doll laid face down, exhausted.

A little game of baseball.

Our fearless Young Women President, Babbi Hill. We love that lady!

Analisa' family

My pioneer girls fresh off the bus. We told Analisa she looked like Sacagawea. And Sarah who has watched every Little House on the Prairie episode ever made, said there were no "Nelly's" in her family, only Laura's and Mary's.

They loved their entire experience and were edified in the process. Thank you to all the incredible leaders who put in countless hours to make it so positive and memorable.

I'm so glad they're home!


Melissa said...

Wow what a memorable experience for them.

Carrie said...

Those pictures are BEAUTIFUL! They don't look anything like ours. We hiked on dirt trails in the midst of trees galore. I will post my pictures soon. I am so glad they made it home alive!!!

Ada's Girl said...

What a great experience. Love the pictures. We all need a little reminder of how blessed we are and blessed by our pioneer forefathers who endured so much for the sake of the gospel. They truly marked the path for us by their unfailing determination and faith. Congratulations to the trekkers. You can do anything!