Thursday, June 11, 2009

Rain verses Sunshine

Brett went out on his weekly Sunday walk of pondering and communion and came home looking like this...

It has been raining off and on for DAYS! I feel like I live in Seattle. My three little boys are going stir crazy and my two oldest girls are out pushing handcarts in the middle of Wyoming. That leaves Miss Kate, holding up the fort by spreading her sunshine. Did I ever mention how much she loves rain? She puts on her bright green raincoat and takes Topher on long walks in it. She comes in exhilarated and Topher comes in looking like a big wet rat. I'll have to get a picture of that.

She and a few of her friends put together a fun little dance for the 6th grade talent show. The filming is fuzzy, but it shows miss cutie shaking her booty. Gotta love that girl of mine. Oh, and did I mention she got braces? Here she is...


Anonymous said...

it has been a crazy rainy week! Love you! m

Ada's Girl said...

Sunshine wins! What a awesome dancer Kate! You are adorable.