Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Music Matters

I received a wonderful article from my mother-in-law entitled Why Music Matters.
It was originally given to parents of music majors but the insights and truths apply to anyone who supports and loves music as a tool for good. It's a little long but worth taking the time to read.


On any given morning at our house you can hear a little angel voice singing with the birds. On early weekend morning's you hear, "Matthew, knock it off! Be quite! We're trying to sleep here!" He stops for as long as he can remember and then the chirping begins anew. It's in his blood, the boy just can't help himself. And the plea for silence begins again. Most of us just tune it out. Brett has nick-named him the singing ghost.

Back in December, Matthew attended the Salt Lake Children's Choir Christmas Concert with our good friend Blue. After hearing their beautiful music he knew he wanted to be a part of it. We made a few calls and arranged an audition. Long story short, here he is a few months later debuting as a soloist singing, To Wander by Franz Schubert.

More on his lovely cohort next. Aren't they adorable?


Crystal said...

I read that article last week at Moni's kids recital, I thought it was lovely. Matthew is so cute! Thanks for sharing!:)

The Stanley's said...

He truly is talented.

Denise said...

Wow! What a beautiful voice. I'm so glad you found him an outlet. He is truly gifted.