Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Goodbye Summer

It's now September 2nd and I feel like I've been dogie paddling with no life-jacket in deep waters for way too long. August came and went like a whirlwind and all I'm left with are a few measly pictures and piles of "to do" things that were never touched. Oh well, we had many adventures and great memories. Now that school is solidly under way(was it just me or did everyone else have hundreds of papers to fill out!) I can get back into a routine and hopefully get my bearings again. I love having all 6 of my little pups around but it does leave little little time for meal planning and exercise. Now that the washing machine has stopped running overtime (due to a flood in my basement) and Sammy is back in preschool, I can sit down and enjoy the quiet, just for a minute anyway. Here are a few of my favorite summer pics.

Katherine and dear friend Eliza have a tradition of walking home from church and enjoying Popsicle's together. A tradition I hope continues long after the flip-flops are put away. Kate is also sporting a cute skirt she made this summer.

Sammy boy turned 4 on August 15th. His first question was if that meant he could turn 5 tomorrow. "Yes. In lots of tomorrow's," I said.

"Hooray! It's my birthday tomorrow," he told his siblings.

It feels like it's always someones birthday around here.

Brett and I celebrated our 18th anniversary on the 18th. Sorry, no picture or story. I'll have to save the mushy stuff for a future post.Needless to say, I married my best friend, my heart's duet, my home away from home. I am one LUCKY girl!

We celebrated Joseph's 7th birthday on August 24th. I can't believe my little man will be getting baptized in one short year! We celebrated by spending countless hours at the pool with cousins and friends.

Two of my favorite pictures this summer are of Analisa and the Sunnydale Quartet (minus Sarah). Sarah was at EFY during this gig and the substitute cello player didn't want to pose. We'll have to photo-shop Sarah in for the album cover. Ha!

It was a fun, busy summer. The new school year is already showing new, unexpected twists and turns. If you have or have ever had teenage daughters, you'll know what I 'm talking about. Wish us luck. Summer will seem like a stroll in the park compared to the roller-coaster we're heading on!


Blue said...

Wow! You beat us by one week! I have a friend who would have celebrated 18 on the 18th...had they not divorced 8 years ago. SLC temple. Weird.

Those are great photos and memories. I wish Bunch had a popcicle tradition with your girls! ;-)

katherine said...

Summer goes to fast!!!!!!!!!!!!

Carrie said...

Yes, I understand about teenage girls. I think Gabrielle has been one since she was 5! Oh my! Cute pics!

Daisie said...

Such cute pictures of gorgeous kids! No teenage girls in this house yet, so you'll have to clue me in on what I'm in for!! If it's worse than the emotional roller coaster that "Wagon" is on right now, send help!! :)