Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Music Therapy

Every once in a while we find that a piano, cello, violin, or voice lesson provides us with much more than just practice playing notes or singing a pretty song. Quite often lessons provide us with what I call therapy, music therapy. Lessons take place in a safe place surrounded by mentors that truly get our kids. Frequently lessons provide an environment where they can express frustrations or joys through music and leave feeling lighter, happier, and cleansed.

As many of you know, my sweet Sarah has had a tough go with her transition to the big ole' scary Skyline High. Girls who were once considered best pals have turned downright mean. Gossip, rumors and jealousy have all shown their ugly heads. At the beginning of the school year she'd come home from school and beg to be home-schooled.

"Sorry, I don't do Honors Chemistry or Honors World Civ", I informed her.

Lately, her plea has been to transfer to a different school.

"The same problems will exist at any school", I keep telling her. "Find new friends, look for the good in people and dismiss people's insecurities. We are all fighting in the same battle here."

Things are improving, ever so slowly, but they are improving.

One of my favorite things to do as a mom is attend lesson's with my kids. I especially love going to Sarah's voice lessons. Due to a change in scheduling, I ran Joseph to guitar while Brett sat in on her lesson. He called me on my cell on their way home to tell me all about how awesome it was. While rehearsing Home, from Beauty and Beast for an upcoming talent night, passion and spirit filled the room and all 3: teacher, parent and student were left in tears. Her anxiety and frustrations with school were expressed and released in a song. She left feeling cleansed, ready to face another day.

I am so grateful for the beauty of music in our lives. When nurtured by those who understand it's power it can be a force for good, to uplift as well as heal.

Listen here.


Ada's Girl said...

So beatiful. I can't wait to hear it live.

Carrie said...

I love music too! It IS therapy. Sarah sings so beautifully.