Friday, May 23, 2008

update on James and Lisa

A few weeks ago I wrote a little about our dear friend James. Last Saturday, Brett and I were privileged to witness their sealing at the Salt Lake Temple. The couple was glowing and the spirit was strong. What a blessing that these two great people found each other. Brett and I were the only people from James' past in attendance. He's made amazing friends in his ward and has inherited a huge extended family from Lisa's side who are so excited to take them in under their wings.

James & Lisa sat on the front row of the play Matthew and Brett were in a few months ago and were the first in line to buy tickets to the girls play, Bye Bye Birdie. James and Lisa fell in love with Sarah's voice and asked if she would sing at their wedding. She hesitantly agreed and hoped they would just forget about it. Well they didn't. She sang her heart out and left the sweet couple in tears. She sang, Someone Like You from Jekyll and Hyde. I was also so caught up in the moment that I didn't even get a picture. The words to that song describe them so perfectly. Thank You Sarah for sharing your gift with them. It meant so much to them and everyone present.

As we were rounding up our crew to say goodbye to the happy couple, Joseph pulled on Lisa's dress, looked up at her and asked, "Do you guys think you'd like to come over later and play games?" "NO, not tonight! Maybe some other time though," Lisa replied. Brett of course chimed in that he'd be calling them later that evening to make sure everything was going alright and that the boys wanted to try out thier new slingshots by throwing little rocks outside their window. They just laughed and laughed.

Best wishes to this beautiful couple. May the Lord's blessings constantly rain down on you!

Sammy & "Lisa" as he likes to say. Best buddies these days. So fun to watch.


Carrie said...

What a neat occasion. I wish I could have heard Sarah sing. I showed Gabi your other entries of Analisa winning SBO and Sarah singing. She loved it! Those videos make me cry! You have got to stop doing that to me!

Brett Nielson said...

You are one good mama to our girls. What a life full of great memories we have!

Anonymous said...

Way to go James!!