Sunday, May 4, 2008

A busy week...

This last week was a busy one as usual. Started the week working in the yard for hours before we got slammed with snow and cold weather. I cooked with Crystal for 12 ladies at Bunko night on Tuesday. Went to my 3rd and hopefully final installment of maturation night on Wednesday. Drove several carpools to the last day of Dance on Thursday. Helped Analisa prepare for her skit assembly everyday of the week which thankfully took place on Friday. Picked up the sweet Wihongi family from the airport later that night. Enjoyed catching up with them. Saturday was spent cleaning, shopping, driving to tennis, attending Sarah's piano recital, hanging out with Michelle and two of my girls for a delightful photo shoot (pictures soon to follow). And ended the evening by loading up 12 of Analisa's friends into the back of my seat less mini-van for Slurpee's at 7-11. There were loads of exciting moments some of which included jump starting my dead battery, taking Joseph in to the Doctor for a nebulizer treatment and inputting visiting teaching reports at the clerks office. I think I could write a blog entry on each and every little event, but who has time! Needless to say, it's been a good week.

I have seen the hand of the Lord in so many aspects of the day to day stuff. On Monday, I felt His love for me through examining the beautiful tulips that have popped up all over my garden. On Tuesday I felt it through Crystal's willingness to drive down from Provo and cook with me, like only she can! On Wednesday, through watching Katherine's cute face blush as she held my hand learning about the the changes our bodies go through in preparation to become women and mothers. I felt an answer to prayer when Joseph's wheezing finally subsided. I was awakened to it when I heard Sarah practicing her gorgeous piano piece Rustles of Spring by Sinding. I so believe the Spirit is found in beautiful music. On Thursday, I witnessed it watching the girls leap across the wood floors of the Virginia Tanner studio. On Friday I felt God's love for me while helping Samuel put on his shoes. Samuel put his little hand on my face and said,"Mommy, you're so cute." Also through my warm embrace with my sister Moni after her long day home from New Zealand. I could go on, and on, and on. God's love for me and each and every one of us is all around us. As mommy's we get so, so busy. Let's never forget to take the time to see and feel His constant presence in the everyday.


Kristin said...

Thanks for the reminder. It's so true how much the Lord is involved in the little things and it is up to us to recognize it and in everything give thanks. (You forgot to mention along with your busy week, bringing dinner Saturday evening to a very grateful family. Thanks a million! We sure appreciated it.)

Anonymous said...

This is just beautiful C! I did get some gorgeous pictures of your beauties; thanks for being such a good sport! I'll send you a few. :)

Ada's Girl said...

What a lovely entry.
Oh how we love you and your darling childen and husband, of course. You are among our dearest blessings.

Blue said...

oh it's so sad that the deer ate all those beautiful tulips! seeing this picture now after seeing every last one of them "headless" is such a bummer. but then again, i always marvel at deer, and really, they were here before us. i love nature.

this was a poignant post. i loved reading your observations about the love of god in our lives. i think i'll do one like it some day. ♥