Monday, April 26, 2010

mind over matter

(Me and my gorgeous girl Analisa at her Honors Recital on Temple Square. Day 16)

Because consuming food on a daily basis is required for survival, I think I sometimes lose track of how much "good" vs. "not so good" goes into my body. While I have always been a health conscience person, I do tend to indulge in my fair share of treats and brown fizzy stuff that tastes good with fresh squeezed lime. Those who know me well know what happens when I bite into gourmet, homemade goodies. It's comical really. My head tilts back, my eyes close and "oohs" and "aahs" can be heard in my general vicinity. As a personal challenge to myself I decided to participate in a 21 day purification/detoxification program. My diet consisted of spring water, fruits and vegetables with chicken and salmon added on day 11. Protein powder and nutritional supplements were also included. NO sugar, no fizzy stuff, no carbs. Yes, you can call me crazy. And yes, I believe in occasional self torture;) (Remind me to write about my all natural child birth experience with Samuel)

I dusted off my Vita-mix , headed to whole foods, and pulled out every veggie/salad recipe I could find. Day 3 presented a challenge when my dear friend Blue dropped off a platter (not a plate) of beautiful treats. I let the kids go to town, went to my room, shed a few tears and came back a new determined woman. While I learned many things through this experience, I can honestly say the # 1 thing I learned is that if I am determined to see something through to the end, no matter how tempting it may be to cheat just a little, I have within me the discipline to do it. The longer I dedicate my energy towards it, the easier it becomes. I feel healthier, lighter, clear headed and unencumbered. I've seen positive effects of self control flow into other aspects of my life as well which has been a really cool bonus that I didn't expect.

I am looking forward to a scrumptious treat tomorrow, Day 22. I will do so with caution and control and a few oohs and aahs thrown into the mix for good measure.


Ada's Girl said...

You are my hero; so strong and determined. Enjoy your next meal. I know you will.

Crystal said...

I know what's waiting for you in your freezer ;)

Anonymous said...

Good for you Miss C! Now don't be tempting me with any treats next week!

Blue said...

But I didn't KNOW! i'm so sorry to try your resolve. has it really been 3 weeks? crazy! i'm glad you wrote about this though, maybe it'll stew in my mind and perhaps one of these days it'll finally inspire the same courage and resolve that you so aptly demonstrated here. My hat is off to you (well, i don't actually wear hats that often, but you know...)

you'd think that being surrounded by such disciplined, extraordinary women i'd be more disciplined etc. maybe it'll happen in the next few years (though i'll truly never be able to run like my running friends!)

♥ to you (from the big apple at the moment, actually. which you could have eaten if you were still only doing healthy foods.)