Tuesday, February 16, 2010

little tokens of love

I am a card lover. I have files and files full of little notes I've saved over the years. Thank you notes, letters, birthday cards and valentines are little treasures that fill boxes in my basement. I even have notes my mom sent me back in my Camp Liahona days! Something about her beautiful penmanship still warms me up inside.

A fun thing for visitors to do when they hang out with me in my kitchen is to glance at my wall of Christmas cards and hear stories of how so and so is doing and so forth. Towards the end of summer I add each card to a designated scrapbook page corresponding to that particular family and see how much their family has grown and changed over the years. It's so fun.

My own pile of Christmas cards which meant to double as New Years cards still sit in a basket on my counter :( Maybe I'll send them as belated Valentine's, Mardi Gras or even St. Patrick's Day cards. Regardless, if you happen to see one poking out of your mail box, know that it was sent with much love and heart felt wishes coming your way.


Blue said...

how do you guys know elise and reed? bunch's middle name was inspire by her. i haven't seen her in eons, but i have that very card on my wall (which i still have up because it makes me happy. all the other holiday deco has been gone since new years, but the cards have remained.) ♥

Carrie said...

I love this. I was just thinking this week after giving my family Valentine's cards, how much I love cards too! I even thought of taking a picture of them and posting about it! We are on the same wavelength, BUT, I don't save alot of them like you do. I would love to see your collection. I will just have to send you one of my homemade cards, ( a new hobby of mine ).

Love ya,

Ada's Girl said...

I too have boxes of cards. I remember also how many David's little mom had saved as well. I guess those lovely greetings just can live on forever!

Melissa said...

That is a whole lotta cards! But you guys have moved around and have meet a ton of people. You guys make a lasting impression and people like to keep connections with others that make a lasting impression. =-) I am lucky to be one of the many you are related to.