Friday, October 30, 2009

the festivities begin...

After four years of sitting in metal chairs watching the elementary school kids march by in costume, little Sammy finally got his turn to join in the fun. He wasn't quite sure what to think of his kindergarten teacher, but once he heard the theme song to Ghostbusters come over the intercom he was all over it. He hummed it the whole rest of the day.


Ada's Girl said...

Great start to this fun holiday. Can't wait to see them for real. Looks like school is fun. We didn't have this kind of fun in my day. Just school as normal on Halloween.

Carrie said...

Your kids are lucky. We are only aloud to have "Fall Centers" at our school. We can have activities using pumpkins and such, but no costumes or anything called "Halloween."

Sammy and the other kiddies look cute. I love that mummy costume. Very cool.