Monday, October 5, 2009

Conference - Nielson Style

I remember growing up in Texas and driving half an hour to an hour to camp out at the Stake Center just to listen to conference. Not the case anymore. I camped it right on the couch in my flannel pj's and soaked up almost every word of conference. With banana bread baking in the oven and kids taking turns draping over Brett and myself. I'd go as far to say it was a little bit of heaven.

This year I approached Conference with specific questions in mind. As I began listening I wondered to myself if this would be the talk that answered my questions. President Uchtdorf, Elder Callister, Elder Oaks, President Eyring, President Monson by one they spoke in ways that not only confirmed answers I already knew, but made me excited to renew my commitment to living the gospel more fully.

As we were winding down getting ready for bed I asked Sarah what she thought about Elder Hollands talk on the Book of Mormon. Her response was identical to mine, "Oh mom, I wanted to stand up and shout Amen and Hallelujah when he ended speaking. It was so powerful. I absolutely loved it. And I don't think the choir has ever sounded more beautiful!"

So true... so true.


Ada's Girl said...

Fabulous, that's all I can say..Fabulous. We are so blessed to have that available to us in our homes. There were times when we got no broadcast at all before the satelite dishes at the church. Later I remember dressing all the kids for church and driving to the Stake Center to listen on metal folding chairs. One session was all they could handle. We've come a long way baby. Yes!

Carrie said...

We get pretty comfy at Grandma Krogh's house but not quite like you can do in your own home. I try not to get too comfy, because I will fall asleep!

I loved conference and had to blog about it too! Love the picture collage. That is really neat.