Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Dearest Sarah,

Happy Easter darling girl! I am following through with my promise of keeping my blog updated on the weekly happenings here at comfy chaos headquarters. I know you love pictures so here's a whole slew of them that describe our last week.

I am happy to report after a very long winter, Spring has finally sprung. My mini daffodils are dancing in the garden in all their glory. The red tulips will make their debut shortly and I can't wait.

Spring also brought two new neighbors. Meet Prudence and Jackson! They are adorable! Poor Jack and Teresa are having to get up every hour to take them potty but Jack seems to have have an extra spring in his step. His 4 cats are hanging out in the trees more than usual. I'm sure it won't be to long before they all get into a routine. 

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We made our annual trek to the Capital theater for another awesome dance concert. It was weird having only 1 child in the show this year. But oh did she represent! Her dance was by far the best in the whole show. Baby Kate looked all grown up on that stage and her moves had us all not wanting to blink in fear we'd miss a beat. I have a rough video that I'll have to put up here soon. Your sis was awesome. You would have been so proud :)

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She had quite the fan base. Grandma and Grandpa, Matt and even Jace came to support and see her in action. Abagail's Dad, Jared says, hey and wanted to be in the group shot knowing we'd be sending it to you. Ha.

Easter found us this year at Cristina's house. New birth cradled in my arms was heavenly. 
Mr. and Miss's Chicken
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Easter Egg Hunters

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Your gorgeous sisters

Spring Break is in full gear around here. With steady rain down in the valley the boys and I headed up the canyon and found snow! Sammy and I stuck to the bunny hill and live to tell about it. Fun times! 

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There you have it sweetheart. Our week in a nut shell. Can't wait to hear all about your adventure's in Guatemala. There isn't a day that we don't think about you! Praying for you constantly! Shine bright like a diamond ;) Be happy and confident knowing you are on the Lord's errand. Love you so much!!


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