Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Spring Break

Darling Sarah,

How are you baby girl? Less than two weeks and you'll be out in the field. I can't believe it! Have you gotten the packages I sent a month ago? I hope so!

Last week brought snow, sun and rain. Lots of rain!  A few days after we went skiing we went on a picnic with Crystal and her boys. The sun was a welcome sight. Kate busted out your old booty shorts and tried her luck at long boarding. She wasn't quite as good as her mama but she's young and has plenty of time to catch up. Unfortunately, there isn't a picture to prove it, but you can ask Crystal. I got skills ;)

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Sammy chose to do his Great American school report on Neil Armstrong. He wore his costume for two days straight and has been practicing repeating 10 interesting facts for his presentation. I bet you didn't know Mr. Armstrong was an accomplished musician. It inspired him to practice which was an added perk. He's also been practicing his famous quote, "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." I'm sure I'll put up more pics next week after the "Wax Museum" event.

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Spring break =Spring cleaning

Matthew had the job of cleaning windows inside and out. We borrowed a ladder from Jack and got them squeaky clean. Even though it rained the very next day, they still looked a ton better than before they were done. Thank you Matthew!

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Katherine put off her job of cleaning the dress-up closet till Friday night. All I had to say was no to hanging out with friends until she finished her job. Needless to say she got it done quick, with the help of her trustee side-kick, Matt.  I don't think it's ever been cleaner :)

Saturday and Sunday were dedicated to Conference. We all took such comfort in knowing that you were watching the same thing at the very same time! Did you catch a glimpse of Shauna in the choir? I was so excited you could see people from home who know and love you. My favorite talks were  President Uchtdorf- The Hope of God's Light and Elder Holland- Lord I Believe. I think I went through a whole box of Kleenex on those two talks alone. Every time anyone said the word missionary my heart would swell with pride and joy knowing they were talking specifically about you! What strength is found in listening to voice of the Lord through his humble servants.

We watched the Sunday morning session at grandma and grandpa's house. I think even Katherine has passed him up in height. Cute Grampy.

Analisa and Ryan, Kate and Matt all attended the 2nd session on Sunday. What a blessing to be able to sit at the prophets feet and hear them speak. One of those perks from living in Utah that to often we take for granted. They came over after for dinner. Here are all the crazies.

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I have to tell you how incredibly sweet it is to hear Samuel pray for you at every meal and bedtime. It's so heartfelt and full of faith. Surely the Lord hears the prayers of those for the missionaries. His prayer usually says something like, "And please bless Sarah on her mission. Bless the people she will meet that they will open their doors and hear what she has to say." We love you sweet girl! We are cheering for you every step of the way! 


Carrie said...

Claudia, I am so glad you are sharing this with us. This will be an amazing family history for so many to look back on. We pray for Sarah and think of her often. We were reading about Nicaragua online last night. Take care! So glad you are blogging again!

Ada's Girl said...

I didn't realize you were blogging again. I am so happy. I think we are all in the mood. I am happy Sarah can see it. Pictures are so great. Loved having you last Sunday for a little while.

Sarah said...

I stumbled upon your blog and it is beautiful! We have kids the same ages (one girl at byu getting ready to leave for a mission, one girl heading to byu in the fall, and a current 9th grader). Of course you soldiered on when I stopped with number four. I'm so, so happy for my missionary and college student...but sort of bereft at the same time. Keep writing. It cheers me up.