Tuesday, August 2, 2011


I remember growing up in Houston looking forward to Hurricane season. Something about rain, wind and dark clouds brought excitement to our humble home on Exchange Street. Almost always it was accompanied by power outages which meant my sister Moni and I got to huddle next to windows with candles and watch as the flood waters rose and crept closer and closer to our front door. We'd take turns running outside to see how deep the water was on our skinny little legs. It was exhilarating. When the storms would finally pass it seemed like everyone on the block would gather outside to assess the damage while us kids tried our long jump skills by seeing who could jump farthest over the overflowing ditches without falling in.

Yesterday, while driving home on the freeway from Matthew's piano lesson, a rain shower that rivaled those of my youth hit Salt Lake full force. We pulled over at our local grocery store which sits high on the hill to watch as the rain cleansed over the valley. It was beautiful. We even stepped out and danced in it just for fun. We came home to find that the rest of the gang had the same idea. Love summer rain!

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