Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Take me out to the ball game

Most evenings in May were spent watching these two handsome boys play ball. Matthew's games were on Monday's and Friday's and Joseph's were held on Tuesday's and Thursday's. We were there pretty much everyday. We even managed to rally up some fans. There really isn't quite a prettier scene than playing on a field that faces the Wasatch mountains (photo coming soon). I ♥ baseball in Utah in May. It's a beautiful combination.

Side note: You might think that me, being one of five girly girls, that I haven't spent much time on the field. Not true! I spent most of my childhood watching my dear ol' dad play soccer and baseball. And in Texas heat, mind you. From the time I was a baby until about age 12, my sisters and I cheered Papi and his many teams on to victory. I probably even took my first steps at such an event, wouldn't you say Mom? And let's not forget the time he coached Moni and my softball team. They didn't call us the Bombers for nothing! Cheering on the team is something near and dear to my ♥ . 


Blue said...

i played ball growing up too. my neighbor friend Lisa's dad, who was from Mexico coincidentally, coached our ponytail softball team all the way to the California state championships...which my team won (without me...the game was held over a weekend incld. sunday so i wasn't allowed to go to any of it as it was in Sacramento and i'd have missed church).

i also played on the junior high and high school teams, as well as the Young Women's softball team. I wasn't a great player, usually out in right field hoping i didn't mess up. but i enjoyed it and in hindsight realized that i must have been better than the people who didn't make the team!

so how is it that my own punks are complete "we hate baseball" stinkers?

i think it's terrific that your family is so supportive of these adorable boy's pursuits. ♥

Ada's Girl said...

Love the pictures. They capture the lovely time we had at the ball park with our favorite people.

Claudia said...

Wow Blue! Your talents never cease to amaze me. You don't get to State by being average my dear. We should plan a family B-ball night. I'm sure we could round up Michelle and Brenda's families to join in the fun. Thanks for sharing your experience. I'll have to hear more on a walk.

Melissa said...

So much fun! Clau...I think I have some pictures of you and Moni in your baseball stuff. Shirts were maroon right? I need to get the scanner going this summer and start sending some of what I have over to you guys.