Saturday, June 6, 2009


In the previous post you heard a little sampling of what we wake up to every morning. Last night at 11:34 p.m., as the Mr. and I were dozing off to sleep, we could hear Miss Sarah singing O Mio Babbino Caro in her room below. It's music round the clock at comfy chaos headquarters, and we like it that way.

O Del Mio Dolce Ardor (O thou my own true love) by Gluck

side note: After she sang this intense Italian Aria she took a bow and bumped her behind on the 9 foot Steinway. It almost sent her flying off the front of the stage. Wish I would have taped it. 

I Feel Pretty by Leonard Bernstein 


Blue said...

great job little nightingale!!! you have such a gorgeous voice. i'm not sure you pull off the "i feel pretty" song as well as someone who wasn't SO dang pretty and talented and lovely would. it loses a bit of the irony ;-)

claudia, your camcorder does MUCH better quality than my little dealio does. I have your flash card and have downloaded everything off it now, so i'll get it back to you tomorrow. i can bring my laptop so we can just put it straight on there so you don't have to burn a CD. that was SO nice of you to offer! it was great seeing you yesterday. we'll hve to plan a night when the kids get together for night games, and we can hang out together. that'd be so fun.

The Stanley's said...

:) I smile