Tuesday, February 22, 2011

growing pains

Last month my poor little Lisey had her wisdom teeth removed. She laid around with ice packs and mumbled gibberish for the first day or so while we tended to her every need and fed her smoothies with a spoon.

We all laid around her room to keep her company while she insisted we stop making her laugh 'cause it hurt to much.

Just as she'd recovered from puffy cheek syndrome, her close friend, who's a boy, decided (over a text) to go separate ways and explore greener pastures. She sprained her toe in dance shortly after and limped around on crutches reflecting her sad state both inside and out.

Good friends and trusted time healed her various wounds and had her back in the saddle in no time.

She even landed a job to model for an upcoming book trailer in the Edward/Bella genre. So mysterious...

She looks so serious in this photo shoot but truth is she is a happy, positive little light for good in the world and I am so grateful to watch her work her magic as we journey these winding roads together.


Carrie said...

Poor Lisey, but I am glad she is up and running again. How cool to model a character from a book! She looks like she fits the part perfectly!

Ada's Girl said...

What a sad month but really, that boy wasn't worthy. Those pictures prove that... not to mention what a wonderful girl she is on the inside as well. Glad she is over the tooth and toe ordeals and is on to other things. Love you Lisey.

Melissa said...

Ugh wisdom teeth...never fun. Tell Analisa to remember to smile because that boy will one day regret day making her sad. Totally his loss!!

The Egan Family said...

Analisa looks amazing in her pics! Wisdom teeth is such a pain! When I got mine out, I had to go to girls camp, and they got infected! ah, no fun! Anyways, Love the analisa twilight pic, my favorite :)