Sunday, October 10, 2010

bitter sweet victory

If you get the Deseret News, you might turn to the sports section and see this!

Skyline's Analisa Nielson competes in the first doubles finals at Liberty Park, helping the Eagles claim the 5A team title.

I mean seriously. Couldn't she just she just quit tennis and get a few endorsements from say Nike or Wilson? Tough stuff, girlfriend!!

I am a fan of any sport that let's a gal get away with hair-bows, pearls and yes, even...

Gold Spanks

She and her partner, Syd, fought their way to a third set in the finals! As can be seen from their cried out puffy eyes, they came just a little short that day, and took 2nd, but boy were we PROUD!

Due to some amazing wins earlier that day on their part, Skyline took State which was a huge accomplishment in and of itself. Congrats on a stellar season Lady Eagles!
You AMAZE ME Analisa... just the way you are!


Anonymous said...

Totally impressive!! Way to go!! xo

Blue said...

in response to your comment...I would submit that you don't actually LIVE in the hood. That honor would go to yours truly. At least, it's as close to "hood" as it gets up here on the bench. ♥

Carrie said...

We were so excited when we saw it on Grampy's computer in the Deseret news! Wow, Analisa is the bomb!

Ada's Girl said...

Looks like she's a winner at Wimbledon!