Thursday, April 2, 2009

Music Man

Matthew has discovered a new passion -the ORGAN. While cleaning up the church after my nieces baptism/family fiesta we could here someone practicing the organ in the chapel. We thought it was someone preparing for sacrament the next day. As we rounded up the last bunch of kids we discovered it was Matthew playing the whole time. 

"Mom, guess what? I discovered how to complete chords using my feet. It sounds sooo cool!"

Only you Matthew, only you.

Grandma Martha took him to hear Music and the Spoken the next day. All he could talk about was how amazing the organ was. As luck would have it, my friend Jan who is an editor for The Friend, and knew nothing about his new found interest, called and asked if Matthew would like to come to the conference center to be photographed with the organist on a feature story about the history of the organ. 

Sometimes, when your passionate enough about something, that something finds you.

Here he is at his last piano recital playing Whimsical Wizard and Bach.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Good for him. The organ is not an easy instrument. I used to play for sacrament meeting in my old ward. Practically scared me to death! The one who taught me was Richard Elliot, one of the Tabernacle organ players. Is this who he met? What a great experience for him.