Monday, August 29, 2011

College Bound

Our girl Sarah starts life in the big school today. The big ole BYU that is. It's been a roller coaster of emotions for me since we dropped her off last Wednesday. Sunday dinner was straight up SAD. We miss her crazy, bubbly self around these parts. And her singing. Ah, her singing. That's probably the thing I miss very most. I can text and call and hear her sweet voice through the phone, but I love busying myself around the house while listening to that voice float out of her room. There's nothing quite like it to this mothers ears. I am adjusting though. Enjoying loads of one on one time with Analisa before she turns around and does the same thing a year from now. There are gobs of books and classes on bringing these little one's into the world but no one can quite prepare you for letting them go.


Ada's Girl said...

I totally understand. I miss knowing that she is on Sunnydale drive and that I can visit anytime!

Anonymous said...

sniffling here with you. You will miss her like crazycakes. I love your Sarah and all of your sweet family.

Hmm, now I should be off the computer and getting littles up for school. Call me when your kids leave. We need to catch up. xoxo

The Egan Family said...

Sarah will have fun at the Y! She is such a bubbly girl,and I will miss her beautiful face at church!!

Carrie said...

I am so with you right now, Claudia. I've been emotional all week knowing my boy is about to leave me. Christiana says he's a ray of sunshine and Eliza said she's gonna miss his swagger. Ha! ha! :) Happy for Sarah, it is gonna be awesome for her!