Friday, May 13, 2011

A chick named Katherine

Being the youngest of three girls has it's perks. Your parents have been "broken in" for the most part. Your sense of fashion, hair and make-up do's and don't s are leap years ahead of those without sisters who aren't afraid to tell you like it is. And if you're lucky enough to share a room with them, you get to stay up late chit chatting about life and boys and dreams about what it will be like when you get your turn to experience things you've seen them do.

Such a day came today on the stage of Wasatch Jr. High. Twice, miss Kate sat in the audience as her sisters put it all out there by running for student body officer. First step was deciding what to run for. Second was coming up with a theme and poster/picture. Having my dear friend Michelle around the block came in extra handy for that one! When we went over for a photo, all we knew was that she was running for historian. Within minutes Michelle and her trusty assistant Hans, whipped out a giant History of the World book, a beautiful backdrop and a real live chick for added cute factor. The rest as they say, is History. Ha!

This is the dance routine she choreographed with a little help from big sis Analisa and her Aunt Lindsay. The song, Who's that Chick? seemed most fitting for the occasion.

Results are announce at the WOW assembly next Friday. Either way, she's forever a winner in my book.


Ada's Girl said...

That Chick is awesome. How could anyone vote for anyone else???? If I could vote I would vote a hundred times!!

jen said...

You mean they actually have dance routines as part of the campaign thing and it's not just some thing out of Napoleon Dynamite?

Claudia said...

It's true. You can do a skit or a dance as long as you only have five people total and it's under three minutes. I've seen many Napoleon impersonations on that stage. There were several "Friday" spin offs and even a mission impossible skit. Fun Stuff!

Daisie said...

Now that's ONE CREATIVE CHICK!! What an awesome poster and dance! She's definitely got my vote!! Wish her luck from the Dances!!