Thursday, April 21, 2011


A few days before a scheduled humanitarian trip to Costa Rica, Analisa took a terrible fall and severely sprained her left ankle. She was coming back for the kill in an intense tennis match when her foot gave out from under her and down she went. How could she be of any use to anyone thousands of miles away from home while wobbling around on a badly hurt foot? Tears were shed. We followed doctors orders and made a permanent bed for her on the couch while she iced and elevated her black and blue foot. During one of her pity party icing sessions, little Samuel came up to her and asked,

"Analisa, are you dying?"

"Yes Sammy, I think I am," she said.

"Well, at I least I was able to have my pizza party at school today," he said thoughtfully.

She burst out laughing while giving him a big hug!

"And at least I made you smile", he said smugly.

Seriously, how bad can life be when you you have a sweet little face like that staring back at you?

She made it out to the jungles of the Amazon anyway, big boot,crutches and all. We have missed her like crazy and can't wait to hear about her many adventures!


Carrie said...

Cute,cute story! Poor girl. She's pretty tough. Loved seeing her at disney!

Daisie said...

I think I love that boy!!

Melissa said...

One tough cookie that Analisa! (that must be from the Gonzales side of the family) What a great adventure and life lesson to experience!