Friday, April 23, 2010

Sarah's turn

I just loved the way Sarah's pictures turned out! I felt that they captured her personality just perfectly. Some nice lady from Park City left the following comment on Jamie's blog:

"Will my daughter have that confidence at that age, oh I hope so. What have her mom and dad said to make her so confident and lovely? Not that it's about them but what got her here? The red lipstick is Gwen Stefani good. She is lovely, your eye is incredible. Nicely done!"

In response to that I say, Miss Sarah was born confident. Her zeal and love for life and people is contagious. While I probably wouldn't have chosen ripped up jeans and hand decorated Converse for her pictures, they describe who she is at the moment and I accept her for that. She tests my boundaries to the limit and gets grounded more than anyone else in the family but always she knows she is loved. We've tried our hardest to give her positive outlets for her specific personality and she has found great success in music and the arts in general. Every child comes with his/her own approach to life and I guess it's up to us parents to figure out who that child is and gently, lovingly guide them back home.

So three cheers for Sarah! Rock that red lipstick baby girl. Don't know many people that can wear a blue sweater dress quite like you!


Kristin said...

So gorgeous! I always thought Analisa looks more like you than Sarah does, but there is a photo (the one where Sarah is leaning against the pole) where I could swear it was you. The photographer is amazing! So fun for you and your girls that you got to have these taken.

Daisie said...

WOW. Just GORGEOUS!! I love how she has a style all her own and that beautiful smile tells everyone that she knows who she is and is comfortable in her own skin. LOVE IT!

Carrie said...

They are all awesome! I think my favorite is the fourth one down. The color photo where she is resting her chin on her hand. But, then again I love the blue sweater dress too! :)

Anonymous said...

those are gorgeous!