Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Don't judge, just love... I let my girls go to school dances before the age of 16. Maybe it's a cultural thing (QuinceaƱera). Or maybe it's because she has a late summer birthday and will actually graduate at the age of 17 thus skipping out on a whole year of dances. Regardless, she goes on a friend only basis and with a big group of kids and maintains the same curfew as any other night.

Being a girls choice dance she decided at the last minute and from heavy persuasion from her friends to ask her hilarious tennis bud, Howard. Here are a few pictures of the fun response.

Analisa sifted through a bag of flour and found these little notes but no answer...

Half an hour later the doorbell rang with this type of flower laying on the doormat.

She found her gorgeous dress at Thrift Town for 30 bucks which she happily paid for with her own $. Thank you Lisey!

The girls arranged a three course meal at Anna's house.

I chaperoned this part of the evening and was able to snap a few pictures.

They all went over to another girls house after the dance and decorated ginger bread houses while watching Elf.

This picture is only half of her very good friends. How lucky she is to be surrounded by some pretty amazing kids.


Ada's Girl said...

Lucky Guy!
Gorgeous, good girl.

Carrie said...

I love the picture of them walking in the snow. I am so proud of her for finding such a bargain and paying for her own dress AND being so modest. She is a great example!
I hope she had a fun time! She looked gorgeous too! (as usual)