Wednesday, July 22, 2009

summer flu bites

In the wee hours of the morning I sat in the parking lot of my local grocery store and watched the sun rise as I composed a text that went something like this: 

Dear Sisters:
Sorry I can't play today:( I've been up since 3 a.m. Sammy has a sore neck and fever. I'm in the parking lot of Dan's waiting to get medicine. When you get this I'll either be asleep(God willing) or at the doctor's office or pulling my hair out or all of the above.






Crystal said...

That is one sad but oh so adorable picture.I'm sorry your little guys are sick, man it's tough!I will



you guys!

Please don't pull out your beautiful hair and please take a NAP! Hang in there! Love you!

Carrie said...

That poor little baby. I have way too many familiar pictures in my mind of Eliza sick on the couch. She actually got sick the day after we returned from Utah. I sure hope you can get some rest. Give that little cheek a kiss for me. :)

Melissa said...

Seems like being sick while all the family is together having fun makes it worse than it is....hope all are back up to speed soon.