Wednesday, May 20, 2009

10 things

I came across a very cool blog where readers are asked to share a list of things that make them happy. Here’s mine:

10 things (plus the obvious 7 pictured above) that make me terribly happy:

1. Looking into the eyes of my newborn baby for the first time

2. Baked goods made with only pure ingredients (meaning I can read what they are and pronounce them)

3. Calling my mom on the phone and hearing her say my name with enthusiasm

4. The feel of my pillow after a hard days work

5. Matthew’s laugh

6. Knowing who I am and where I came from

7. Snuggling in the big strong arms of the man I love

8. Coming home to a clean house after a vacation

9. Catching glimpses of my children's eyes in the sunshine

10. Chocolate covered strawberries

The list could go on and on. I'd love to read yours! Have a fabulous day!


Kristin said...

Loved reading the things that make you happy. Thanks for sharing!

Brett Nielson said...

All I can say is that I just love to cuddle!

Love you!

Bonnie said...

Here you are! (They are not in order)

1. My family
2. Free time
3. Accomplishing goals
4. Friends
5. Good times
6. Writing
7. Reading
8. Playing with cousins
9. Being somewhere peaceful (near a creek, in a forest, etc.)
10. Good news

Ada's Girl said...

Thanks for the great idea. I love your list. You all are part of mine.

The Stanley's said...

I think that I will spend my Sunday considering my top 10 list..... that may be hard to narrow down.

Denise said...

Claudia, I think you have the prettiest family I've ever seen. We could not move to your neighborhood because we just aren't attractive enough! Seriously, your list is great. I love its simplicity. We should all be made happy by such things.